Dream Big, Start Small

Have you ever looked at someone else’s life and thought, How did she do that? Maybe it was a friend who started a successful business, someone who went back to school later in life, or a neighbor who always seems to have time for their family and their passions. It’s easy to assume they have something you don’t—more money, confidence, or just better luck. But the truth is, most people who achieve their dreams start the same way: small.

If you’ve ever felt stuck in your current life or doubted whether you deserve something better, this post is for you. You are worthy of dreaming big, and the best part? You don’t need to overhaul your entire life overnight to start moving toward your goals. By dreaming big and starting small, you can create a future that feels fulfilling, joyful, and authentically yours.

Why We Struggle to Dream Big

Dreaming big isn’t easy. For many of us, life feels too busy or too chaotic to spend time thinking about what we really want. And when we start to dream, that’s when those doubts creep in:

  • Am I good enough?

  • Do I have the time, money, or energy?

  • What if I try and fail?

These thoughts are normal, but that doesn’t mean they are true. These thoughts, aka LIMITING BELIEFS, are invisible stories we tell ourselves about what’s possible. They come from things that we’ve experienced or learned in the past. Maybe you grew up hearing that dreaming big was selfish or unrealistic. Or maybe life has thrown you so many curveballs that surviving feels like your only option. Whatever the reason, it’s time to challenge those beliefs and give yourself permission to dream again.

What Does "Dreaming Big" Really Mean?

Dreaming big doesn’t have to mean becoming a millionaire or changing the entire world. It simply means imagining a future where you feel more aligned with who you truly are. For some, that might look like starting a side hustle or traveling to a dream destination. For others, it might mean creating more time for family, finding peace in a chaotic world, or even just taking better care of yourself.

The Power of Starting Small

Here’s where many people get stuck: they see the gap between where they are now and where they want to be, and it feels overwhelming. The key to closing that gap isn’t to leap over it in one dramatic move. It’s to take small, intentional steps every day.

Starting small doesn’t mean you’re thinking small. In fact, it’s the most effective way to make big dreams a reality. Here’s why:

  1. Small Steps Build Confidence
    Each time you take a step—no matter how small—you prove to yourself that change is possible. This builds momentum and quiets the voice of self-doubt.

  2. Small Steps Are Manageable
    Big goals can feel paralyzing, but small actions are doable. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you can focus on what’s right in front of you.

  3. Small Steps Add Up
    Over time, those small actions compound into significant progress. It’s the same principle as saving money or building a habit—consistency pays off.

How to Take Microsteps Toward Your Dreams

Dreaming big and starting small is about balancing vision and action. Here’s how to get started:

Define Your Dream

Take some time to reflect on what you really want. If you’re not sure, ask yourself:

  • What excites me or sparks joy?

  • What do I want more (or less) of in my life?

  • If there were no obstacles, what would I do?

Break It Down

Once you’ve identified your dream, think about the small steps that could lead you there. For example:

  • If your dream is to start a business, your first step might be researching your idea or talking to someone in the field.

  • If your dream is to prioritize self-care, your first step might be scheduling 10 minutes a day for yourself.

  • If your dream is to deepen connections, your first step might be reaching out to one friend.

Find a Supportive Community

Pursuing your dreams doesn’t have to be a solo journey. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can provide encouragement, accountability, and inspiration. This is why I created Your Next-Level Life. Not only do you get access to the guidance and mentoring of me as your coach, but also a group of women just like you who can cheer you on.

You DESERVE To Live Your Dreams

Here’s the truth: you are worthy of the life you dream about. You don’t have to earn it by being perfect, selfless, or endlessly sacrificing your happiness. You deserve it simply because you are you.

Dreaming big isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. When you prioritize your growth and fulfillment, you show up as the best version of yourself—not just for you, but for your family, friends, and community. By investing in your dreams, you create a ripple effect that inspires others to do the same.

If you’re ready to stop settling and start thriving, know that you don’t have to do it alone. Joining a supportive group can make all the difference. When we kick off our next cohort of Your Next-Level Life, you’ll get exactly what you need to help you take the small steps to live your big dreams PLUS you’ll be surrounded by women doing the same.

This is your time to take that first small step toward the future you imagine. You deserve it—and we’re here to help you every step of the way.


The Money is In Your Mind