Something is Missing: Creating a Life By Design
Do you ever feel like there’s a big hole in your life that you need to fill but you can’t point out what it is that’s missing? It happens to many of us. Even to those who appear to have everything.
This feeling of emptiness arises for various reasons. Sometimes it’s a trigger to make you feel more aware of yourself, and to dig deeper into yourself, beyond the surface level. When this feeling happens to you, take action.
Here are some tips on how you can decide what might be missing in your life.
Don’t Dismiss What You’re Feeling
When you feel that longing and feeling of emptiness despite seemingly having everything you’ve wished for, don’t feel guilty. Don’t dismiss your feelings. Some people try to ignore it and feel bad that they aren’t still happy when it seems they’ve got all that they want.
Your feeling is valid, so the first step is to acknowledge it. It can be helpful to name the emotion that you are feeling and many people would greatly benefit from increasing their emotional vocabulary. You can use this tool to help. When you try to deny that feeling of something missing it will likely pop up again. When you recognize it, you can start figuring things out and finding answers.
Count Your Blessings
Maybe nothing’s really missing. Maybe it’s always been there but doesn’t get recognized. Start looking at the things that you already have and count your blessings. You might realize that you have lots to be grateful for that are often taken for granted.
Maybe that’s what’s missing—you being truly grateful that you’ve been accomplishing a lot in your life. You may want to start a gratitude journal. Every day, before you sleep or before you kick off your morning, sit down for a few minutes and list down all the things you are thankful for, even the smallest things.
Identify Your Purpose
Why do you think you exist in this world? What contribution do you make for society, or even for the people close to you?
You can be more. And maybe that’s what you’re longing for—to do more and be more than what you are right now. Identifying your purpose can give more meaning to your life and fill that emptiness you feel inside.
Be In The Present
Pay attention to what is happening to you right now. Be aware and in the present. Otherwise, you’ll be missing out on the good things that are already in your life as you continue chasing the next shiny thing when you don’t have to. We live in a society that is constantly pushing us to go harder, be more, have more, want more and so that feeling of longing, especially if you spend a lot of time on social media, can cause you to spend too much of your energy on what you regret from the past or want in the future.
Remember, what you have right now are the things you once wished you had. Being present means recognizing that here they are now and they matter to your life at this moment. Self-awareness will also let you figure out if there’s anything else that could make you feel happier and fill that void that you’re feeling.
Practice Self-Care
Often, what prevents people from enjoying the moment and everything they have is stress and exhaustion. You might have worked hard to achieve your goals but at the expense of your body and feelings of peace.
Learn to practice self-care so you can feel the worth of your hard work. Take time to rest, meditate, eat healthily, exercise, and simply relax. Don’t give in to the pressure or obligations. If you do that, it can feel like nothing is enough and you have to continue to prove yourself. It’s can be overwhelming and may lead to burnout or even a breakdown.
Last Words
Personal growth is a good thing, and that brings with it a completely normal feeling of wanting more. When it happens to you, that’s a signal to listen to what you life may be telling you. When you need help going a little deeper, that’s a great time to work with a coach and I’d love to help. Sign up for a discovery call and let’s talk.