Unburn Your Nervous System
If I have any English teachers reading this, please excuse my taking the liberty to create the word unburn, but hopefully you’ll see why it was necessary by reading on.
There was a time in the U.S. when meditation and yoga were stereotyped only as an aspect of "alternative lifestyles," assumed to be "hippy-dippy" activities for zen-fixated people chanting "ohm" and eating restrictive diets. Outside of the cultures in which they originated, the practices of meditation or yoga were considered ‘weird’ by many. Now, those times are over.
Meditation and yoga are so commonly practiced now that you can find local yoga studios in most strip malls, multiple meditation apps on your smartphone and it’s even practiced in some schools.. What caused the U.S. perspective to shift, and what's all this hype about? Well, they work! Our increased ability to image the brain and accompanying nervous system as well as the research conducted on other body systems has all led us to the conclusion that meditation and yoga practices are healthy in more ways than we can count.
Meditation and yoga, though different in from and practice, complement each other in multiple ways to restore, refresh, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit, which make them perfect for bouncing back from burnout. They are free, easily accessible, done perfectly alone or with support and they can be done with very little time.
Here's how meditation can help you come back from burnout and fatigue and feel refreshed and energized:
Meditation often involves focusing your attention on a certain object, thought, or action to streamline the clutter and chatter in your mind and relieve tension and stress. Some examples of focal points are:
Your breath
A spot on the wall
The repetitive movement of an object
Guided mantras or visualizations
While focusing on your action, object, or thought, the intentional practice of meditation begins to override the ambient chaos and restore your peace of mind - which overflows into restoring your body and spirit. Meditation can be done at any experience level, from beginner through advanced techniques. Formal training is not required to experience the effects of meditation. An open mind, open heart, and a few minutes of peace and quiet are all you need.
You can check out The Shop for a few guided meditations. Some other great places to find meditation information and guidance are:
Your app store
Local meditation clinics
Books, blogs, and online resources
With benefits much like those of meditation, yoga is a type of physical activity that releases tension, promotes flexibility, and builds strength in the body and mind. Unlike working out in a gym, yoga is generally practiced in a calm and quiet location, indoors or outdoors. Yoga engages the whole body in movements that range from easy stretches to complex poses that require significant focus. Stress, which can lead to burnout, is both a cognitive and somatic or body experience. That means there are times when stress is literally stored in your body and creating the feelings of burnout that you are experiencing.
There are many styles of yoga to practice, and each tradition has unique aspects that set it apart from others. I am a fan of restorative yoga which includes holding poses to allow deeper relaxation and stretching. Some other popular styles of yoga to research are:
Again, like meditation, anyone can begin to engage in a yoga practice with little prior background or experience. You do not have to be physically fit or even flexible to begin and you can see almost immediate results in the way you feel. As with any form of exercise, your ability and agility will improve the more you practice.
Engaging in meditation and yoga can refresh your mind and spirit by using breathwork, stretching, intentional focus, and by quieting the mind. These practices get your mind away from fixating on the issues that are causing you fatigue. The restoration of your muscles and the energy produced by meditating and practicing yoga will also build your stamina and resilience.
The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, consider taking some time to focus your breath and mind apart from the issues at hand, and use meditation to get yourself centered. Consider taking a local beginners yoga class (or following one on YouTube) and feel the benefits of relaxing your mind and body.
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